Hello World!

I'm a Web Developer and Software Engineer focused on Ruby on Rails, React/Redux, JavaScript, and PostgreSQL to name a few. Programming has always been a passion of mine and I'm happy to say I love what I do.

My Projects

See some of my Previous Works


A web-based Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client and bouncer.

CloudChat is a IRC webclient built from the ground up by me. It's a single-page webapp powered by React and Redux utilizing JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5. The back-end is powered by Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, and Ruby .

  • Separate process maintains and holds any number of IRC connections for any number of users.
  • Uses Web Sockets to communicate with the client browser to achieve real-time low-latency chat.
  • Uses mobile-first design to create a responsive UI that works with both mobile and desktop based browsers.
  • Supports any number of simultaneously connected client devices. Keeps all devices in synchronization.


An IRC client library written in pure Ruby

Ruby1459 is an IRC client library built on top of TCPSocket.

  • Uses meta-programming to efficiently and cleanly route almost 200 possible events to their handlers.
  • Multi-Threaded design allows for any number of connections and channels without having to worry about managing threads or halting other tasks by using blocking calls.
  • Event driven library allows developers to tap into almost 200 server events to allow for feature rich applications.


A Crowdfunding site insipired by Indiegogo

Rubygogo is a full-stack site built from the ground up by me. It's a single-page webapp powered by React and Redux utilizing JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5. The back-end is powered by Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL.

  • Combines filters into single database query and uses counter caches to minimize database load and increase response time.
  • Careful attention to CSS details closely matches source material to give excellent user exerience.

Duck Hunt

A remake of the classic NES game complete with light gun

Duck Hunt is a JavaScript game built using Canvas and the CreateJS library.

  • Uses the original NES sprites and audio to create an authentic experience
  • Preloads all resources to ensure smooth gameplay
  • Uses the Leap Motion Controller and the LeapJS library to allow gesture input. Also modeled and 3d printed a physical light gun to fully recreate the original Duck Hunt experience.

TrainSet + TapeDeck

A lightweight Web Framework and ORM

TrainSet is a web framework inspired by Ruby on Rails built ontop of Rack. TapeDeck is an ORM inspired by ActiveRecord and designed to work alongside TrainSet

  • Provides many of the features in Ruby on Rails and Active Record at a fraction of the overhead

A few of the things I can do.

Working on adding more every day!












I'd love to talk to you

Feel free to drop me a line for whatever. If it involves tech, I'd probably played with it at some point.